The Bright HQ Tidy Test

Where you are on the Tidy Scale – and what to do next!

Today, let’s figure out where you sit on the tidy scale so you can easily determine how to get (and keep!) your home organized and flowing with your lifestyle. 

First, let’s clear something up. Many people judge their home’s organization based on a scale of zero to picture-perfect image on Pinterest or Instagram.

And whether your home stacks up or doesn’t, these perfectly pretty standards make upkeep overwhelming! 

So we developed a new scale – a quick Tidy Test – that will allow you to see past the pretty exteriors and delve deeper into what actually contributes to an effortless home. 

This way, you can take a refreshingly honest look at your space and take action on the strategy that meets you where you’re at.

The Tidy Test simply put:

We scrap the old scale and instead reflect on how well (and how seamlessly) your home organization systems are doing the heavy lifting to keep your house tidy.

It’s important to frame it this way because, the truth is, ‘pretty’ alone doesn’t always equate to an organized home

For example, if your foyer is a constant problem area because it’s beautiful when tidy, but inconvenient to live in, it shows us that organizational flow trumps picture-perfect every time.

So what’s the better scale?

Let’s explore…

The Tidy Scale – How to:


step one

Go to a room you love, that’s well lived-in, but that’s also one of your problem areas. Deeply and consciously look around and reflect on what would have to go into getting this room right – think company-ready or total peace of mind.

And let’s get to the truth of this space. 

Because this is absolutely not an audit of you, your intentions, or even your vision of your home, but instead, it’s an exciting opportunity to unlock how your home can best serve your needs!

step two

Set the timer, and get tidying! Everything in its place. Then have a look at our scale and see where you land:

Here’s how to navigate the Tidy Scale:

Five Minutes and it's all put away!

This is special – this means the systems created within your home stretch through each room and space and are truly tailored to best support your lifestyle. 

Next Step: Keep up the flow of your home with our Free Guide: The 3 Habits of Effortless Upkeep.

Ten-ish Minutes and it's all put away-ish?

This is no small feat! Getting your home to this point means that there has been thoughtful consideration to how your systems are designed to move you forward. What may be taking a little extra time? It might just be your mindset around upkeep! So…

Next Step: Become even more mindful of what comes in, stays in, and gets immediate attention in your home by checking out the Bright Ideas in this free guide. 

Ten+ Minutes... is how long it took to realize that I wasn't getting it done today.

You thought it was a molehill – turned out to be a mountain. This is really good information!

Because it tells you that when you attempt to tidy your home, you have to spend too much time inventing or reinventing systems to keep it organized as you go. And it’s way too time-consuming. 

When you’ve already made decisions ahead of time (i.e. created systems) about the flow of your home that work for your lifestyle, then tidying becomes really easy because you know exactly where everything goes. It’s when these decisions haven’t been made ahead of time in a way that supports you, your time, and your vision, that your efforts are stalled and tidying feels endless. 

Next step: Start to incorporate these habits and give yourself some breathing room so you can further investigate how to optimize your systems. Or, if you’re ready to truly lighten your load, have a professional come in and expertly design a game-changing flow through your home. You can get support from Bright HQ right HERE. 

5 seconds… is how quick I knew even trying would paralyze me with overwhelm.

All too common! Let’s take a moment to breathe. And think of it this way - a total home organization is akin to a home renovation. Sometimes, we can renovate on our own –  if we have the time, skill, and bandwidth. But most of us concede after watching 20 YouTube videos only to realize we have none of the tools required and there are experts much better suited to get it done. It’s not a skill that comes from birth, nor is it a task many people are that excited and inspired to tackle on their own. 

If even the thought of tackling your home leaves you paralyzed – and you truly yearn for a home that you can be proud of – this may be the time to lean into your community and call in your Go-Team. 

Next step: Maybe it’s time to skip the DIY, release your friends and family of the obligation to come help you out, and experience a professional up-leveling of your home. Because nothing feels better than feeling free and empowered to spend your time and energy on what matters most to you. And in Calgary, this experience is how we at Bright HQ can show up for you. There’s a much easier (and Brighter!) solution for your home - in weeks, not years! And you can discover yours by booking a call HERE

Summing it up!

With the Tidy Test, you now have a deeper understanding of how to rank your tidiness and you’ve got support to help you take your next step. 

As you just found out, keeping your home tidy isn’t about whether it’s pretty, whether or not you are doing a bad job, or even whether your time and energy are stifling your efforts. 

It’s only about rating how well your systems are doing the heavy lifting for you. Whether they are letting you down or driving you forward. 

You are already doing an amazing job! Take the next step that perfectly meets you where you are (get your FREE GUIDE for support or CHAT with us!) and drop us a comment to let us know what you think of the Bright HQ Tidy Test!


A Letter For My Mom