The Unexpected Upside of Getting Organized

It’s not just about making your home look good. It’s about making your time count.

Last year, I spent some time working with the Lisa Haggis, a brilliant branding consultant and an even more amazing human being (check out to learn more about her and what she does). During our initial meetings, she asked me to fill out a questionnaire and on it was the following question:

Describe your vision for the world.

What? My vision for the world? I was stumped. My first thought was that I had no idea. And my second thought was, “What does this have to do with organizing?"

But I’ve come to understand that when you know what you want for the world, you can more easily find your smaller piece or purpose within it.

So, I may still not know my vision for the world, but I do know my vision for the people in it. 

And today, I wanted to share my vision with you:  

I want people to know they don’t have to do things alone.
I want them to stop feeling like they’ve failed. I want people to give themselves a break and know they’re doing the best they can with what they have.
I want them to know that asking for help is a sign of strength.
I want them to know that just because you can do it on your own doesn’t mean you have to.
I want them to know that just wanting to be better is a win.

And finally: I am desperate for people to know that time is precious and tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us. So make your time count. And by making it count, you don’t have to do big things. You just have to spend the time that you have, doing things that fill you up. 

For the Bright HQ team, organizing your home is bigger than just making your home look good. It’s about allowing you to take this entire, huge project off your plate so you can fill your evenings and weekends with the moments, events, and people that truly matter to you.

Simply put: we do what we love so you can do the same.


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