Bright Ideas For Buying In Bulk

If you’re buying in bulk, you may be putting a strain on your storage space. Here’s our solution.

Today’s message is short and sweet:

Whenever possible, ditch the packaging.

I was recently organizing a bathroom and was trying to find room for a couple of boxes of Crest White Strips. As I was trying to tetris them into place, I decided to open the box and see just how full the contents were. Here’s what I found.

There were literally 4 tiny white strips packets in this gigantic box. The packaging took up nearly 10 times the space as the actual contents!

Bright Idea

When you can, eliminate packaging or consolidate items. 

Especially if you find yourself buying more at once to limit the number of shopping trips that you do.

Some of the bulkier items we come across are:

  1. Toothpaste 3 packs. I have one bin in our bathroom for oral care. Any extra floss, toothpaste or toothbrushes get stored in there.

  2. Frozen pre-cooked meat (eg: chicken wings). Just write the cooking instructions on the bag and ditch the cardboard box.

  3. Children’s snacks like rice krispie treats, fruit gummies or apple sauce. We have a bin in our pantry for kids snacks and we throw all of the snacks in there (well, all of the ones that we don’t need to worry about regulating for them).

Bonus Recycling Tip

And, as a friendly reminder, when ditching packaging, recycle it appropriately. In Calgary, when it comes to plastic, if it’s stretchy, like cling wrap, it can be recycled. But if it won’t stretch, it’s non-recyclable. Be sure to store all loose plastic in one grocery bag or clear bag.


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