A Peek into My Messy Home

Yes! It’s true! As professional organizers, we struggle with spaces in our home, just like you do.

Today, I wanted to share with you the place that gives me the most frustration. Here are some pictures of our back entrance/laundry room:

And how exactly did our space end up looking like this? 3 reasons:


Delayed decisions, aka: clutter. I have some things I need to decide whether to sell, give away or store.


This area sees a lot of traffic and the stuff in the cupboards is used regularly by both Doug and I.


There are things in this area that need to go in other areas but those areas could also use a refresh. So I’m reluctant to move things and just make more piles.

So, what’s a girl to do?

First, I’m doing what I ask our clients to do: Show us your mess and don’t feel guilty or ashamed or embarrassed. 

Because these pictures do not show who we are. These pictures are actually a representation of us doing things right. For the past 4 months, our main focus has been on our family and doing all the things that keep that machine running. There’s been little to no time to do things outside of our regular routine. That means messes and disorganization happens. 

But the good news: this is a problem that can be solved. There’s a solution for this! And what better way to give myself some accountability than sharing this mess with all of you. Because - lucky me - I live with a pretty awesome organizer who can already see the possibilities here.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where I regularly share Bright Ideas on how to solve ‘clutter problems’ just like this one! 


Organize the ‘Out Of Control’ Cluttered Areas


Decanting the Kitchen Pantry: Rules to Live By